New MinLOS Countdown logic with Gap Maximisation!
Up until today, we had one countdown logic that did not only prevent overbooking of your room categories, but it also enabled to sell your gaps between the different arrivals and departures. This is a great function for most city properties, that force a minimum length of stay during specific time periods but release this MinLos when there are no more rooms available for this MinLos.
With the new MinLos logic, you can sell the maximum available Length of stay per room! This function is particularly of interest for all leisure and holiday destinations as they like to maximize the efficiency of the room plan and minimize the amount of gaps.
To take advantage of this function you will need to do some preparation work:
- Please review your room products that should only be sold based on a minimum length of stay and set up the MinLos for each of these products.
Note: If you also have a MinLos on your sales plans which is stronger than the MinLos of your products, this MinLos will be leading your sales strategy.