

Frequent Flyers

Guests who frequently book and stay at the hotel, indicating high loyalty.

Weekend Warriors

Guests who predominantly book stays over weekends, suggesting a preference for weekend getaways.

Extended Stay Guests

Guests with a pattern of booking longer stays, possibly for vacations or business trips.

Business Travelers

Guests who often book during weekdays, indicating a potential business travel profile.

Family Vacationers

Guests who frequently book with children, suggesting a family vacation segment.

Last-Minute Bookers

Guests who consistently book reservations close to their arrival date.

Luxury Seekers

Guests who frequently opt for premium room types and additional luxury services.

Budget Conscious Travelers

Guests who tend to choose lower-priced rooms and seek value-for-money options.

Promo Code Enthusiasts

Guests who frequently use promotional codes when booking.

Solo Travelers

Guests who typically book for one adult, suggesting a solo travel profile.

Group Travelers

Guests who frequently book for multiple adults and/or children, indicating group travel.

Seasonal Travelers

Guests who consistently book during specific seasons.

Tech-Savvy Guests

Guests who show a preference for tech amenities and services.

Spa and Wellness Enthusiasts

Guests who frequently use on-site spa and wellness services.

Adventure Seekers

Guests who book additional services related to adventure activities or local experiences.

Cultural Explorers

Guests who show interest in local cultural events and attractions.


Guests who are actively enrolled in and engaged with the hotel's loyalty program.

Social Media Influencers

Guests who engage actively on social media, potentially influencing others.

Event Attendees

Guests who book around specific events or conferences hosted by the hotel.