Step by Step

With the selection of the check-in and check-out dates and the number of individuals, you instantly receive initial results about the most affordable product and available price. 

Upon entering a promo code, corresponding products immediately appear in the results. 

Process via Recommended Offers

In the overview of Recommended offers, you can already find the lowest available price along with another product. As soon as you enter the booking process through this interface, initially, all products with the promo code (highlighted in color) are displayed, followed by additional general products, including the lowest price and a favorite.


Possible product restrictions are also immediately visible in the overview. Relevant events or holidays are displayed.

When selecting one of the products, you will receive additional details and various price offers. Upon selection, you add the product with the price to the shopping cart.

Now, a new reservation can be made for a different period and a different guest (but the same booker).