When to use each pricing option?
- Feature Based Price: For your individual room products (RFCs) the system will automatically only enable feature-based pricing. Other options are not available. This ensures that every real product has a price point based on the true value of the product with all its features.
- Average RFC: When you are in need for more single rooms during week days you may set up a new product that is based on different double rooms that you configure for single room use. The price point of this room product is calculated based on the average of all the products you have selected. You may adapt this price point with a % or an amount increase or decrease at a later stage.
- Combined RFC price: When you want to combine RFCs together to create a new product, for example, 2 rooms next to each other, or 3 rooms with connecting door become an apartment (product: Apartment), you may either want to use the base price point of this new product based on the sum of every single RFCs. You are still able to adjust this new price point at a later stage.