For automated Room Combination suggestions

Date 27.12.2022

On the ISE (Internet Sales Engine), there is the option in the configurator, in addition to the room combinations presented by the AI, to also suggest your own - feature combinations for specific target groups. To make this possible, target groups and the matching characteristics must have been created in advance in the extranet.


Questions to consider:  

Which room features are suitable for which target groups in your house? 

Here are a few ideas: Romantics, Lovers, Business Travelers, Quiet Seekers, Gourmets, Families, Friends, Creative, Sporty, .... 


Where do you set the tags and select the features on the extranet? 

  • Retail Strategy > Travel Tags > Create Hotel Tags
  • Please also remember to select the tags in the different languages.
  • Travel Tags and Occasion will be displayed as one solution on ISE

On the ISE you will find the suggestions based on the travel tags directly when you open the configurator.

Recommendation: The number of target groups should remain clear and serve as an idea generator for the user.